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LMNL Studio collaborated with artist Windy Chien to recreate two rope sculptures in a virtual gallery setting in order to visualize them at a grand scale. After working with her to build a physical art car for the SF MOMA's iconic 2022 Soap Box Derby, we re-imagined the knotted dome of the derby car as a 30-foot pavilion environment in a courtyard by the sea. The outcome is successful on multiple levels: It stands up as an enchanting aesthetic virtual experience that captures the essence of tactile materiality; it's a powerful prototyping tool for Windy to validate how to physically build knotted architecture at scale; and it's a teaching tool for the wider public, showcasing the reasons materials- and craft-based fine artists and architects should be working in these technologies.
"It has been a dream to realize my work at architectural scale. My friends at LMNL Studio made that possible by recreating my domed art car as a 30-foot biennale pavilion in VR. Using this successful pre-visualization as a prototype, I’m ready to build the pavilion in real life."
– Windy Chien